A snoring-stop exercise routine can bring snoring relief without straps or strips.


Not everyone wants to sleep with a chin strap to solve their snoring problem. However, there is a solution that is much easier, more comfortable, and does not require a device. Use our anti-snoring exercise routine to make it easier and quieter for the air you breathe through your airways at night.

Snoring occurs when something in the nose, throat, or mouth restricts airflow. It can be the result of added weight pressing down on your neck when you sleep or an allergy that causes your Bessere Nasenatmung mit Noson Nasendilatator passages to become blocked or swollen. In either case, the result can be an unpleasant night’s rest for you or your partner.

How many times in one night did your spouse force you to bend over and stop snoring? You or your spouse may have to sleep in different rooms. It’s miserable and can make you both grumpy and nervous. There is also the possibility that some guilt is lurking. The snorer doesn’t mean to upset their spouse, and it can be embarrassing to admit that they have a problem. Ermöglicht Ihnen einen hervorragenden Luftdurchfluss für eine optimale Nasenatmung.

Sure, there are all kinds of gadgets and mouthpieces, chinstraps, and masks out there that can help stop snoring at night, but not everyone wants to go to bed wearing one of them. It’s not very comfortable, and certainly not attractive. Nothing kills romance like kissing your spouse goodnight right before you put a brace on your neck and chin or put a mask on your face.

There are better solutions. It’s more natural, and clinical studies have shown it to have a positive effect on people with obstructive sleep apnea. Strengthening the muscles of the airways can open those passages and allow the breath to pass through with less effort and with much less noise.

Exercises to stop snoring are specific movements or combinations of movements involving the tongue, jaw, cheeks, and roof of the mouth. Repeating these exercises strengthens the soft palate (the part behind the roof of the mouth), the muscles of the vocal cords, and the muscles that support the size of the throat.

The good news is that it only takes a few minutes a day and doesn’t hurt like a heavy weight-lifting routine at the gym. This is a small muscle you are working on and responds well to a regular exercise program.

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